Academic Publications

Our work is informed by academic insights and our own scholarly publications. We have published on a range of topics, many of which are closely related to the work we do at Neon. Collectively, we have published well over 50 papers in leading field journals.


Lion Hirth

Lion has published 36 articles in peer-reviewed economics and engineering journals, including single-author papers in the leading field outlets Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, and Applied Energy. Google Scholar lists a total of 7243 citations, yielding an h-index of 35. Two of his papers are the most cited in recent times in leading field journals, “Optimal Share” in The Energy Journal and “Market Value” in Energy Economics. RePEc lists Lion among the top 5% energy economists; FAZ lists him among the top 30 German research economists. Lion’s publications have won several awards, including the best paper award of the International Association for Energy Economics.

Financial contracts for differences: The problems with conventional CfDs in electricity markets and how forward contracts can help solve them. Energy Policy, 2024 (w/ Ingmar Schlecht, Christoph Maurer) open access

Natural gas savings in Germany during the 2022 energy crisis, Nature Energy, 2023 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau, Clemens Stiewe, Jarusch Muessel). pdf

Cost-Potential Curves of Onshore Wind Energy: the Role of Disamenity Costs, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2022 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau, Anselm Eicke, Raffaele Sgarlato & Tim Tröndle). open access

Blue hydrogen and industrial base products, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022 (w/ Schalk Cloete, Oliver Ruhnau & Jan Hendrik Cloete). pdf

Carbon pricing in a model-comparison experiment, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau and others).

Electricity balancing as a market equilibrium, Energy Economics, 2021 (w/ Anselm Eicke & Oliver Ruhnau). pdf

Reducing carbon emissions of households through monetary incentives and behavioral interventions: a meta-analysis, Nature Energy, 2021 (w/ Tarun Khanna and others)

Eyes on the Price: Which Power Generation Technologies Set the Market Price?, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2021 (w/ Eike Blume-Werry, Thomas Faber, Claus Huber & Martin Everts) pdf

On capital utilization in the hydrogen economy, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021 (w/ Schalk Cloete & Oliver Ruhnau). pdf

Open Data for Electricity Modeling: Legal Aspects, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2020. open access

Heating with Wind, Energy Economics, 2020 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau & Aaron Praktiknjo). pdf

Locational investment signals in electricity markets, The Energy Journal, 2020 (w/ Anselm Eicke & Tarun Khanna). pdf

Reforming the electric power industry in developing economies: Evidence on efficiency and electricity access outcomes, Energy Policy, 2020 (w/ Andrea Dertinger). pdf

Flexible power and hydrogen production: Finding synergy between CCS and variable renewables, Energy, 2020 (w/ Schalk Cloete). open access

Technology-neutral auctions for renewable energy: EU law vs. reality in Member States, Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law, 2019 (w/ Lars Jerrentrup, Bastian Lotz & Silvana Tiedemann). pdf

Time series of heat demand and heat pump efficiency for energy system modeling, Nature Scientific Data, 2019. (w/ Oliver Ruhnau & Aaron Praktiknjo). open access

Short-Term Electricity Trading for System Balancing, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019 (w/ Christopher Koch). pdf

Open Power System Data – Frictionless data for electricity system modelling, Applied Energy, 2019 (w/ Frauke Wiese, Ingmar Schlecht, Juliane Reimann, Clemens Gerbaulet, Martin Jahn, Jonathan Mühlenpfordt, Friedrich Kunz, Wolf-Peter Schill & Casimir Lorenz). pdf

The ENTSO-E Transparency Platform. An assessment of Europe’s most ambitious electricity data platform, Applied Energy, 2018 (w/ Jonathan Mühlenpfordt & Marisa Bulkeley). open access

Opening the black box of energy modelling: strategies and lessons learned, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2018 (w/ Stefan Pfenninger, Ingmar Schlecht, Eva Schmid, Frauke Wiese, Tom Brown, Chris Davis, Matthew Gidden, Heidi Heinrichs & Clara Heuberger). open access

What caused the drop of European electricity prices? A factor decomposition analysis, The Energy Journal, 2018. open access

The importance of open data and software: is energy research lagging behind?, Energy Policy, 2017 (w/ Stefan Pfenninger, Joseph DeCarolis, Sylvain Quoilin & Iain Staffell). open access

The benefits of flexibility: The value of wind energy with hydropower, Applied Energy, 2016. pdf

The role of capital costs for decarbonizing the power sector, Environmental Research Letters, 2016 (w/ Jan Steckel). pdf

System-friendly Wind Power, Energy Economics, 2016 (w/ Simon Müller). pdf | Best paper award INREC

Why Wind is not Coal: On the Economics of Electricity GenerationThe Energy Journal, 2016 (w/ Falko Ueckerdt & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf

Carpe diem: A novel approach to select representative days for long-term power system models with high shares of renewable energy sources, Energy, 2016 (w/ Paul Nahmmacher, Eva Schmid & Brigitte Knopf). open access

Balancing Power and Variable Renewables: Three Links, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015 (w/ Inka Ziegenhagen). pdf

Integration Costs Revisited – An economic framework of wind and solar variabilityRenewable Energy, 2015 (w/ Falko Ueckerdt & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf Best paper award IAEEBest poster award IEWTBest paper award IEWT

The Optimal Share of Variable Renewables: How the Variability of Wind and Solar Power affects their Welfare-optimal DeploymentThe Energy Journal, 2015.  pdf review

The Market Value of Solar Power: Is Photovoltaics Cost-Competitive?IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015. pdf | Selected paper Solar Integration Workshop

The Market Value of Variable Renewables: The effect of solar wind power variability on their relative priceEnergy Economics, 2013. pdf

Redistribution Effects of Energy and Climate Policy: The electricity marketEnergy Policy, 2013 (w/ Falko Ueckerdt). pdf

On the Economics of Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Economics, 2013 (w/ Ottmar Edenhofer, Brigitte Knopf, Michael Pahle, Steffen Schloemer, Eva Schmid & Falko Ueckerdt). pdf

System LCOE: What are the costs of variable renewables?, Energy, 2013 (w/ Falko Ueckerdt, Gunnar Luderer & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf

Carbon lock-out: Advancing renewable energy policy in Europe, Energies, 2012 (w/ Paul Lehmann, Felix Creutzig, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Nele Friedrichsen, Clemens Heuson & Robert Pietzcker). open access

Ingmar Schlecht

Financial contracts for differences: The problems with conventional CfDs in electricity markets and how forward contracts can help solve them. Energy Policy, 2024 (w/ Christoph Maurer, Lion Hirth)

Comparison of price caps and tariffs to counter a foreign monopoly. Economics Letters, 2023 (w/ Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Jan Schmitz & Runxi Wang)

Möglichkeiten der Stromverbrauchsreduktion zur Stärkung der Versorgungssicherheit. Studie für das Bundesamt für Energie, 2023 (w/ Consentec & ZHAW)

Optimized market value of alpine solar photovoltaic installations. Renewable Energy, 2022 (w/ Jérôme Dujardin, Moritz Schillinger, Annelen Kahl, Jonas Savelsberg, & Rebecca Lordan-Perret)

Financial Wind CfDs. EconStor Working Paper, 2022 (w/ Lion Hirth & Christoph Maurer)

Congestion management games in electricity markets. ZEW Discussion Paper, 2022 (w/ Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Anselm Eicke, Lion Hirth, Fabian Ocker, Marion Ott & Runxi Wang)

Price cap versus tariffs: The case of the EU-Russia gas market. EconStor, 2022 (w/ Karl-Martin Ehrhart & Runxi Wang)

Introducing a price cap on Russian gas: A game theoretic analysis. EconStor, 2022 (w/ Karl-Martin Ehrhart)

Market-Based Redispatch in Zonal Electricity Markets: The Preconditions for and Consequence of Inc-Dec Gaming. EconStor, 2020 (w/ Lion Hirth)

JASM Transmission Adequacy Assessment. SCCER Join Activity Scenarios and Modeling, 2020 (w/ Hannes Weigt)

Open power system data–frictionless data for electricity system modelling. Applied Energy, 2019 (w/ Frauke Wiese, Wolf-Dieter Bunke, et al.)

Strategisches Bieten in Flex-Märkten. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2019 (w/ Lion Hirth, Christoph Maurer & Bernd Tersteegen)

Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2018 (w/ Pfenninger, Stefan, Lion Hirth, Eva Schmid, Frauke Wiese, et al.)

The Impact of Climate Change on Swiss Hydropower. Sustainability, 2018 (w/ Savelsberg, Jonas, Moritz Schillinger & Hannes Weigt)

Linking Europe: The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2015 (w/ Hannes Weigt)

Assessing inefficiencies on the German balancing market. Conference on the European Energy Market, 2014 (w/ Lorenz, Casimir, Benjamin Reinhard, Richard Weinhold & Robert Mieth)

Swissmod: A Model of the Swiss Electricity Market. WWZ Discussion Paper, 2014 (w/ Hannes Weigt)

Anselm Eicke

Congestion management games in electricity markets. ZEW Discussion Paper, 2022 (w/ Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Anselm Eicke, Lion Hirth, Fabian Ocker, Marion Ott & Runxi Wang)

Fighting the wrong battle? A critical assessment of arguments against nodal electricity prices in the European debate, Energy Policy, 2022 (w/ Tim Schittekatte)

Cost-Potential Curves of Onshore Wind Energy: the Role of Disamenity Costs, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2022 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau, Raffaele Sgarlato, Tim Tröndle & Lion Hirth). open access

Where should generators be built in a zonal electricity market? A numerical analysis of administratively determined investment signals, Econ Store, 2022.

Electricity balancing as a market equilibrium, Energy Economics, 2021 (w/ Oliver Ruhnau & Lion Hirth). pdf

Locational investment signals in electricity markets, The Energy Journal, 2020 (w/ Anselm Eicke & Tarun Khanna). pdf

Jonathan Mühlenpfordt

The ENTSO-E Transparency Platform. An assessment of Europe’s most ambitious electricity data platform, Applied Energy, 2018 (w/ Lion Hirth & Marisa Bulkeley). open access

Open Power System Data – Frictionless data for electricity system modelling, Applied Energy, 2019 (w/ Frauke Wiese, Lion Hirth, Ingmar Schlecht, Juliane Reimann, Clemens Gerbaulet, Martin Jahn, Friedrich Kunz, Wolf-Peter Schill & Casimir Lorenz). pdf